
Tumbling Bank Stocks Raise Deposit Risk

This is a test post printing out a Markdown version of an emailed article using the Reader View extension for a web browser. It is only content for testing (thanks Jack) Tumbling Bank Stocks Raise Deposit Risks, and Yield a Few Bargains Jack Hough 7-9 minutes By one measure, bank stocks have given up a quarter-century worth of gains. Is that a buying opportunity for contrarian investors, or a sign that the group is broken?

iA Writer Markdown Testing 3

iA Writer Markdown Testing 3
MarkDown testing with thumbnail photo 1 Suspecting this will be a final afternoon test of Hugo to see if the image appears as a thumbnail and leading image to this post. So far so good with the iA Writer on the iPad in typing these last few posts with MarkDown. Still a problem with saving to iCloud and manually having to move to the server and run Hugo to build the static pages … but the site runs on minimal server hardware and is fast.

My Eighth Post

This is an attempt to use Markdown to prepare a document for Hugo on the Raspberry Pi. This post is being prepared using Typora for Windows10. It is a clean editor and looks like a great way to prepare a post. Now to figure out how to post it to